Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Classroom Jobs

Now that I am actually able to get into my classroom, I should be posting a lot more! I had to move rooms from last year, so I get to start from scratch (scary, but wonderful)!

Well, I had a beautiful classroom jobs chart on my wall in my last classroom. (Pictured below) Oh my goodness! I loved it! The birds had the students' numbers on them and were attached to the wall with Velcro. Each week I would switch the birds so that the students would have a different job. I had every intention of using it again this year since I had put so much effort into making it. Well, my new room has white walls and the colors of this chart just looked so bad on a white wall. It was too bright, too shiny, and just look cluttered. So, being the worrying person that I am, I paced back and forth in my room today saying to myself, "OK Sarah, you can do this! How in the world are you going to display classroom jobs? Think woman!"
So, after many trials and even more errors, I decided to not display the jobs at all...
If you like my job chart, here are the circles I made and printed out to use. you will just need the ribbon to attach and some way of showing which students has which job (I used birds with numbers. You could use other dye cuts or clothespin). Also, once you download the file, you should be able to change the font.

Instead, I chose to write the jobs on clothespins and then clip them to the supply crates on the tables. They are clipped behind where the supplies will be, so they won't be in the way. Also, it doesn't look cluttered and I can have one less thing on my wall. The picture of my clothespins on the crates is below.

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